Jelajahi Repository

research : Herawati, Niken

Bertumbuhnya industri-industri baru seperti coffee shop, cafe & lounge, hotel, restaurant dan lain-lain dikota-kota besar seperti Jakarta misalnya

research : Widiyanti, Wiwik

Dosen merupakan ujung tombak dari kemajuan perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peningkatan kinerja dosen. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja dosen ha

research : Fauzi, Achmad; Marwansyah, Sofyan;

KSP Usaha Mandiri is a cooperative engaged in lending service. The purpose of this research is to know the results of the remaining results in the di

research : Suleman, Dede; Suharyadi, Dedi; Martiwi, Rini; Suardita, Nyoman; Widyaningrum, Enggar; Karlina, Eulin.

This research aims to examine the effect of trust and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on product purchasing decisions. Trust is considered a crucial f

research : Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga, SlametHeri Winarno, Agus Priadi , Elpa Hermawan MartinusWahyu Purnomo Arman Syah Putra;

E-commerce is a payment system that is currently booming with e-commerce, so all sales systems that were offline go online and sales systems that were

research : Setyaningsih, Dyah, Eka; Marwansyah, Sofyan;

This study aims to examine the effect of halal certification and halal awareness through interest in consumer decisions in buying food products. The s

research : Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga Aditya;

Competition in business services, especially education services show a trend that increasingly tight nowadays. Each school is required to be able to c

research : Tambunan, Helmut; Herliana, Khotimah; Yusuf, Faif;

In this study there are two variables namely X (Work Discipline) and Y (Employee Performance) variable. This research was conducted to determine the P