Jelajahi Repository

research : Suardhita, Nyoman;

Leadership style influences work motivation because leadership style is right and is liked by employees, able to increase work motivation. The more em

research : Sudradjat, Adjat;

As one of the educational institutions, Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) must be able to perform the data processing of students' grades well, becau

research : Fitriansyah, Fifit;

Learning PR Scripts Writing I is one of the pre-eminent courses for students of public relations study programs (Public relations) at the Faculty of

research : Basri, Hasan; Gilang Saputra, Ramadhani ; Alfarizi, Salman; Rizqi Mulyawan, Alif; Gunawan, Deni ; Ichsan, Nurul;

Saat ini teknologi informasi mengalami perkembangan yang begitu pesat, mulai dariaspek ekonomi, sosial, budaya, seni, pendidikan, bahkan sampai dunia

research : Kusumawardhani, Paramita;

This research has a purpose about using a movie to improve the learners’, especially English Young Learners’, writing skills. Movie, as a part

research : Martiwi, Rini; Nyoman Suardhita, Aan Rahman, Instianti Elyana

research : Sudirja,; Rini, Ratih Setyo;

Human resource development must be carried out seriously and consistently, one of which is through coaching activities. Coaching is an HR development

research : Kirso,; Nur, Hidayat Muhammad; Fadlilah, Nuzul Imam;

Promosi penjualan merupakan salah satu bentuk khusus komunikasi untuk memenuhi fungsi pemasaran. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh freku