Jelajahi Repository

research : Zuama, Robi Aziz, Sobari; Agus, Irwan;

Pemilihan jurusan yang tepat bagi siswa baru akan berdampak besar pada kemampuan siswa itu sendiri. Pemilihan jurusan menjadi sangat penting, karena

research : Martiwi, Rini; Karlina, Eulin; Suharyadi, Dedi;

The objective of this study is to analyze the basic aspects of liberal feminism and explain the representation of  liberal feminism ideology in the l

research : Mujiaty, Yulia; Nurjanah, Siti;

As a secretary of knowledge and skills that need to be owned one of them is the setting of official travel or business trip leadership. He must know t

research : Sunarti,; Sundari, Jenie;

Tempat yang nyaman, strategis , sejuk dan harga terjangkau merupakan impian setiap orang untuk dijadikan rumah tinggal. Pada penelitian ini dila

research : Hikmah, Noer; Pratama, Rifqi Bagus; Suryanto,;

The employee recruitment and employee selection process is the first process for a company to get quality employees needed by the company. The need fo