Jelajahi Repository

research : Islami, Vina; Yulistria, Resti;

Perubahan dalam bentuk renovasi yang dilakukan oleh Citrus department store Botani Square Bogor, menyebabkan perubahan suasa

research : Puspitasari, Diah;

A hospital or clinic health is one organization that provides service examination for a sick man.Medical rollin is note or histori about disease histo

research : Lancia, Ferrari;

This study seeks to determine and examine the increase in brand strength obtained by the Bumbu Desa Ciledug Restaurant through a series of mark

research : Sarkawi, Dahlia;

This study aimed to determine the effect of gender and environmental science students to the assessment of environmental culture. A quantitative resea

research : Priyono, Hendro;

In the current global era, the internet is one technology that provides information for all parties through various existing websites. In foreig

research : Mariskhana, Kartika;

This study aims to determine the try out correlation and computer-based national exams on the mental attitude of MTS Al-Makmur Parungpanjang students.

research : Prasetyo, Arfhan;

Internet is an information technology is earning easily in information seeking. Internet made as without bound link, The information can be accessed e