Jelajahi Repository

research : Irfan, Djamzuri;

The development of information and communication has an impact on technology and culture. Indonesian tourism as a joint synergy to develop a tourism

research : Mariskhana, Kartika;

This study aims to determine the try out correlation and computer-based national exams on the mental attitude of MTS Al-Makmur Parungpanjang students.

research : Nisa, Khoirun; Wahyudi, Mochamad; Yusuf, Lestari;

Sekarang ini banyak berdiri distro dengan menjualbaju-baju untuk kaula muda, relatif banyak distro yang ada saatini berkembang cukup pesat, dan memili

research : Irfan, Ali; Anisti,;

Within an organitation, often found a communication berrier One of that communication barriers is from culture aspect, such as prespective and be

research : Sugeng, Irwin Sukrisno;

Kantor Kelurahan Duren Sawit is part of a government organization which is one of its main activities is to provide administrative services to the co

research : Irawan, Roy;

Penggunaan layanan pengiriman paket sekarang ini sangat berpengaruh pada motif seseorang untuk melakukan jasa pengiriman paket,dedikasi

research : Sarkawi, Dahlia;

This study aimed to determine the effect of gender and environmental science students to the assessment of environmental culture. A quantitative resea