Jelajahi Repository

research : Rani, Kurniasari;

Human Resources Management is one of the important factors in a company. The company can produce the maximum profit if the Resources owned work optim

research : Winarno, Slamet Heri;

This Study aims to determine the company's financial performance is studied based on the analysis of Economic value added (EVA) for the year 2011 and

research : Winarno, Slamet Heri;

This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of training on productivity in BLK of Malakasari Village East Jakarta.This subjects were participan

research : Winarno, Slamet Heri;

Financial business today is dominated by conventional based business that one of them still rely on the system of interest. Along with the changing ti

research : Setyaningsih, Dyah, Eka; Marwansyah, Sofyan;

In this era of globalization the world of banking has emerged types of banks both sharia banks and conventional banks. The emergence of various banks

research : Syarif, Mahmud;

Penelitian ini membahas tentang Analisis Prediksi Peringkat Obligasi Syariah, Di Indonesia ada dua lembaga pemeringkat sekuritas hutang yaitu PT. PEF

research : ROMADHON, MIRA;

Laundry adalah usaha yang bergerak dibidang jasa cuci dan setrika, keberadaan jasa cuci sudah menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan hidup manusia. Semakin p