Jelajahi Repository

research : Yulianto, Andri Rizko; Subariyanti, Herudini; Wardhana, Ananto Krisna;

ABSTRAK  Kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan berkaitan erat dengan kepuasan pelanggan. Kepuasan pelanggan dapat tercapai ji

research : Septiyani,Maya

PT. China Harbour Real Estate Development. Perushaan ini bergerak di bidangproperty yaitu penjualan apartement di daerah Jakarta Barat. Tujuan penulis

research : Winarno, Slamet Heri;

Kondisi keuangan dan hasil operasi bisnis suatu perusahaan merupakan hal yang penting bagi banyak kelompok, termasuk pemilik, manajer, kreditor, pemer

research : Rahman, Muhammad Fadli

Muhammad Fadli Rahman (64191542) Analisis Dampal Keberadaan E-Commerce terhadap Pedagang Pasar Tradisional Family Mart Bekasi   Pasar tradision

research : Murniyati,;

A key issue facing Indonesia in the field of employment is the excess amount of labor and wage levels are still not meeting the needs of decent living

research : Murniyati,;

A key issue facing Indonesia in the field of employment is the excess amount of labor and wage levels are still not meeting the needs of decent living

research : Murniyati,;

A key issue facing Indonesia in the field of employment is the excess amount of labor and wage levels are still not meeting the needs of decent living

research : ENRIECO, EDWARD

The research background is the intention phenomenon of purchasing Edwards Vigilant fire safety alarm at PT. Adiwarna Anugerah Abadi increased rapidly