Jelajahi Repository

research : Yani Sri Mulyani,1, a) Ai Ilah Warnilah,1, b) Ahmad Madkur,2, c) Hiqma Nur Agustina,3, d) Andini Linarsih,4, e) Herlan Sutisna,1, f) Fahmi,5, g) and Gusti Ayu Rai Made Suarniti6, h)

Despite the significant role of determining superior commodity in the regional economic development, studies addressing this issue in the handicraft

research : Martiwi, Rini; Suharyadi, Dedi;Nuryati, Siti; Aryadi, Heri

This research examines the influence of e-service quality and price discounts on the purchasing decisions of TikTok Shop customers in Bogor. This rese

research : Yusuf, Faif; Rahmi, Shinta Shinta; Fransisco, Sonny;

This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between employee training on employeeperformance at PT. Pelni (Persero) Jakarta. The resear

research : Aprillia, Frida; Supriyanto, Iwan; Handayani, Miranti; Sugiarti, Susie; Hartini, Dorit; Putra, Armansyah;

research : Suwarsito, Suwarsito;

Abstract - The success of an organization resides on the employees’ performance. It is necessary for theinstitutions or organizations to enhance the

research : Suleman, Dede; Zuniarti, Ida; Marginingsih, Ratnawaty; Hidayat, Susilowati Susilowati; Sari, Imelda; Sabil, Sabil; Nurhayatya, Ety;

This research examines the relationship between consumer attitudes and decisions. By examining theattitude forming variables, among others, usefulness