Jelajahi Repository

research : Meyliana, Anastasia., Rapiyanta, Paulus Tofan., Andriani, Anik

Financial management system and wood inventory at UD. AnugrahLimbah often faces problems that can affect operational efficiency and accuracy. Problems

research : Frihatmawati rizky

When translating a message, a translator needs to identify the most equivalent natural expression in Target Language (TL). Nevertheless, it is not alw

research : Miftah Farid Adiwisastra, Alfia Rahmani , Dini Silvi Purnia , Yani Sri Mulyani

Kota Tasikmalaya adalah salah satu kota yang berada di daerah Jawa Barat yang memiliki luas wilayah sekitar 184,2 km². Dari data Kementerian Pend

research : Wulandari, Yulianti Fajar; Mareta, Puri Rahastine; Afianto, Heri; Bastian, Yan; Murtiadi, Murtiadi

The aim of this research is to analyze Communication Challenges in the Digital Era and Understanding Generation Z. This research is a Literature revie


This research aims to analyze the financial performance of three large companies in the food and beverage industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Excha