Jelajahi Repository

research : Wulandari, Yulianti Fajar; Bastian, Yan; Murtiadi, Murtiadi; Afianto, Heri

The research objective is to explain and evaluate the Depok City Government's communication strategy in the 3R campaign through the Waste Bank to crea

research : Wulandari, Yulianti Fajar; Rahastine, Mareta Puri; Bastian, Yan; Murtiadi, Murtiadi; Pranawukir, Iswahyu

Museum Kehutanan merupakan destinasi wisata di Jakarta yang dikelola Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Pandemi yang melanda selama dua tahun

research : Sulaiman, Hamdun; Panggalih. Kukuh; Yuliani, Yuri; Alifudin, M. iqbal

The application of information technology in education is very important to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative processes. Thi

research : Mujahidin Adam

Public Relations telah menjadi kebutuhan yang vital bagi banyak perusahaan dalam menghadapi persaingan di era globalisasi saat ini. Dalam konteks ini,

research : Suardhita, Nyoman; Martiwi, Rini; Elyana, Instianti; Rahman, Aan

This research aims to test the influence of trust and customer  satisfaction on customer loyalty, test the influence of trust on customer loyalty