Jelajahi Repository

research : Handono, Felix Wuryo

As technology develops, now many activities are starting to use automated systems to make work easier. One of them is a recruitment application system

research : Sudirja; Rachmawati, Susan; Martias, Andi; F, Wahyuhening, Firstianty

This study aims to determine the public entities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that have dominated the corporate bond market, the issuance of

research : Rahman Arif, Ariandi Fajri, Arista Roynaldi, Warsono

The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of brand awareness, promotion and product quality on purchasing decisions at The Executive

research : Hasan, Noor;Sulistyo, Gunawan Budi;Widodo, Pudji;Kiswati, Sri

Saat ini sistem informasi dalam pengolahan data pembayaran SPP yang diterapkan diSMK Ma’arif 1 Kalibawang masih menggunakan sistem cara manual,


Currently, the development of technology is very advanced. Technology can be used as an alternative to other media to gain learning about various Engl