Jelajahi Repository

research : Rasyid, Harun Al; Sazly, Syukron;

Importance The role of banking is currently very dominant with the financial system. A good financial system will have a positive effect on banking p

research : Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga Aditya;

Competition in business services, especially education services show a trend that increasingly tight nowadays. Each school is required to be able to c


Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berbasis internet yang biasa disebut  dengan era-digital ternyata membawa dampak besar dalam dunia bi

research : Mardiana, Tati; Ditama, Ega Maulana; Tuslaela,;

In recent years, the diabetes mellitus in Indonesia has become a health problem in the community because its population has increased 2-3 times fast

research : Yusnaeni, Wina; Widiarina,;

Penyakit diabetes penyakit yang sering di jumpai di semua kalangan masyarakat. Dari data yang di dapat bahkan setiap tahunnya terjadi peningkatan pend

research : Rousyati, Rousyati; Rais, Amin Nur; Rahmawati, Eka; Amir, Richky Faizal;

Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat digunakan oleh para pakar ataupun dokter untuk menafsirkan tentang penyakit dalam waktu yang cepat dan akurat

research : Kausar, Hanggoro Aji Al; , Heristian, Sujiliani; Purnama, Rachmat Adi; Purnomo, Agus Tri; Abdulmanan, Ehon;

 Prayer is an obligation that must not be abandoned except because of aging or obstruction that is justified by religious law, such as; women who hav

research : Widiyanti, Wiwik;

Related to online transactions is increasing causing various new technologies in the financial sector, one of which is e-wallet. There are 38 recorded