Among of many animals, Cat is one of the most favorable domestic animal in our society too keep pets in a good health, the cat owner should pay attent
Gaji merupakan salah satu dari banyak bentuk apresiasi yang diberikan perusahaan kepada karyawannya, begitu juga pada salah satu perusahaan telekomuni
BSI Entrepreneur Center is one of the organizations engaged in entrepreneurship within the Bina Sarana Informatika University with the aim of forming
Dalam dunia industri pada saat sekarang ini, mesin merupakan bagian terpenting untuk proses produksi. Dengan menggunakan mesin, proses produksi lebih
In the era of very rapid technological development, every store or company has to implement a computerized information system to create a business
The aims of this research are to know about kinds of affix and how they are used in a story. Affixation is a part of morphology and it is a morpho
AbstractThe role of counseling teachers in schools is of course very vital in preventing and dealingwith bullying that occurs, however the imbalanc