Jelajahi Repository

research : Aisyah, Nurul Nurul;

Sumber daya manusia ( SDM) merupakan suatu aset yang memegang peranan penting di dalam suatu perusahaan, karena manusia yang mengelola dan menjalank

research : Nurhadi, Acmad; Indrayuni, Elly;

Saat ini bangsa indonesia sedang dilanda pandemi virus COVID-19. Penyebarannya sangat cepat hingga berdampak pada semua aspek kehidupan. Atas dasar

research : Fitriyanto,;

In this research is done in order to know the approach of leadership of management in empowering the employee and the claim of creative industrial sec

research : Ratiyah, Hartanti, Irwin Ananta Vidada, Eka Dyah Setyaningsih, Rina Oktiyani;

Studi   empiris   yang   mengkaji   aspek   keprilakuan   pada   minat, &

research : Hastuti, Dwi Puji;

New word formation cannot be avoided in the making sentences, paragraphs, and also to speak, because words are part of the language which de

research : Pribadi, Denny; Farlina, Yusti; Supiandi, Apip;

The Internet is the easiest means to do online promotion, online buying and testing online.Smartzone Media Studio is a place for courses in architectu

research : Ahmad, Fauzi; Hylenarti, Heryana;

The ability of the software to easily understand it is very important, to evaluate the performance of a system or process a certain mechanism is need