Jelajahi Repository

research : Agustyaningrum, Cucu Ika; Haryani,; Arifin, Yosep Tajul; Warjiyono,;

Slawi Wetan Village really needs an information system that supports and provides satisfactory services for its citizens. For this reason, the author

research : Yusnaeni, Wina; Marlina,; Hayuningtyas, Ratih Yulia; Sari, Retno;

Abstract - The procurement of the goods or services of a company is determined by qualied suppliers. Therefore,it is necessary for a company to choose

research : Mulyawan, Rizqi Rizqi; Gata, Windu, Alfarizi, Salman;

Masalah  kemiskinan  selalu  memperoleh  perhatian  utama  di  negara  Indonesia  dan  menjadi  sebuah persoalan  yang  mendasar dan peme

research : Achmad, Haikal S.I.kom S.I.kom;

Abstract - In this era of globalization, the role of PR is very important in building a positive image of a company. By optimizing the role of public

research : Kussanti, Devy Putri;

As one of the Municipality in West Java Province of Indonesia, Depok has now undergone a very rapid change both in terms of government, economy, comme

research : Pramularso, Eigis Yani;

Abstract - Increasingly tight business competition is accompanied by changes in the needs and desires of customers who always dynamically require comp

research : Nurul, Aisyah;

Pendidikan sangat penting dalam menambah pengetahuan dan ilmu, sekolah Dasar  membuat anak belajar dalam  proses pendidikan. Pendidikan d

research : Sidik,; Firmansyah,; Anwar, Syaiful;

Citra yang diambil dengan kamera digital dengan pencahayaan sekitar yang kurang akan menghasilkan citra yang gelap dan sulit untuk mengenali objek did