Jelajahi Repository

research : Astuti, Rachmawati, Darma; Mustofa,;

Penyampaian melalui video animasi menjadi lebih baik dari pada teknik konvensional dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dalam berbagai hal, sehingga aplikasi

research : Maulana, Muhammad Sony;

Managing a project has a challenge for a project manager should be able to utilize existing resources and look at the rules and restrictions that nee

research : Azizah, Ayu; Adawia, Popon Rabia;

Indonesia is a country with a high population growth so that it can be a huge opportunity for companies in the telecommunications field to reach many

research : Hellyana, Corie Mei; Warjiyono, Warjiyono;

Boarding house is the second place to live after living with parents. Boarding houses are usually chosen by someone who lives far from parents wit

research : Supriyatna, Adi; Mustika, Wida Prima;

Kutil merupakan masalah kesehatan kulit yang pada umumnya ditandai dengan munculnya bejolan kecil bertekstur kasar pada permukaan kulit yang disebabka