Jelajahi Repository

research : Amin, Budi Al;

Catering Kino adalah catering yang melayani pesanan makanan pada suatu acara, umumnya pernikahan dan seminar serta pabrik. catering Kino adalah cateri

research : Yuniasih, Idah; Agustina, Teni; Rosento,;

AbstractEmployee performance very important for an organization, one of them is the purpose of employee performance is to improve the discipline of wo

research : Asfani, Asfani; Taufik, Ghofar;

The government's commitment to provide health insurance to the wider community is evidenced by the establishment of puskesmas throughout Indonesia. Th

research : Wijayanti, Ani;

Puspo Ardhi tourism village is a tourism village that is being developed, strategically located in the tourism area of Kulon Progo. The quite basic pr

research : Winarno, Slamet Heri;

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanggapan pengguna jasa (customer) berupa tingkat kepuasan pada pelayanan jasa service sepeda motor

research : Palupi, Muji Endah;

The quality of the language translation machine must match the content of the text message and the results of the translation. between is the accura

research : Wati, Diah Ayu Maulida, Puspitasari, Diah; Purwaningsih, Esty;

Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan bagi pasangan suami istri untuk memutuskan keikutsertaanya dalam suatu program yaitu program keluar

research : Ita_Suryani, Asriyani_Sagiyanto;

Palang Pintu traditions is one of the traditions that became the identity of Betawi people.Tradition became part of the procession of traditional wedd