Jelajahi Repository

research : Mutiah_Tuty, Razali_Geofakta, Raharjo_ Agung;

Currently it is entering an era of technological disruption that has shifted in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The World Economic Forum (WE

research : Amas, Lahat Lahat;

ABSTRACTPromotion Position is influenced by several factors, one of which is Performance Appraisal. If thePerformance Appraisal is good then the great

research : Apriliah, Widya; Subekti, Neni; Haryati, Tri;

Keberadaan koperasi saat ini tidak hanya terdapat pada lingkungan masyarakat umum saja namun dalam beberapa perusahaan juga memiliki koperasi yang dig

research : Siska, Elmira;

As a financial services provider, Islamic banking must be able to keep up with the times by responding to challenges and establishing a competitiv

research : Fadilah, Jusuf; Andriana, Dina; Widarti,;

Abstract - This study aims to analyze the reasons why a person joins a diecast fan group, to analyze the activities of diecast fan youth groups in Jak

research : Murifal, Badar;

Fintech is a portmanteau of financial technology that describes an merging financial services sector in the 21st century. Originally, the term applied

research : Yani, Ahmad;

Tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi bahwa perkembangan teknologi di bidang informatika telah membawa dampak perubahan yang positif dalam berbagai bidang.