Jelajahi Repository

research : Suardhita, Nyoman; Martiwi, Rini; Elyana, Instianti; Rahman, Aan

This research aims to test the influence of trust and customer  satisfaction on customer loyalty, test the influence of trust on customer loyalty

research : Setyaningsih, Dyah, Eka; Marwansyah, Sofyan;

This study aims to examine the effect of halal certification and halal awareness through interest in consumer decisions in buying food products. The s

research : Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga Aditya;

Competition in business services, especially education services show a trend that increasingly tight nowadays. Each school is required to be able to c

research : Tambunan, Helmut; Herliana, Khotimah; Yusuf, Faif;

In this study there are two variables namely X (Work Discipline) and Y (Employee Performance) variable. This research was conducted to determine the P

research : Yani Sri Mulyani,1, a) Ai Ilah Warnilah,1, b) Ahmad Madkur,2, c) Hiqma Nur Agustina,3, d) Andini Linarsih,4, e) Herlan Sutisna,1, f) Fahmi,5, g) and Gusti Ayu Rai Made Suarniti6, h)

Despite the significant role of determining superior commodity in the regional economic development, studies addressing this issue in the handicraft

research : Martiwi, Rini; Suharyadi, Dedi;Nuryati, Siti; Aryadi, Heri

This research examines the influence of e-service quality and price discounts on the purchasing decisions of TikTok Shop customers in Bogor. This rese

research : Wibowo, Faathir Arthurio

Low competence and job training in Indonesia cause employee performance to be less competitive. This research was conducted because of complaints rela

research : Yusuf, Faif; Rahmi, Shinta Shinta; Fransisco, Sonny;

This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between employee training on employeeperformance at PT. Pelni (Persero) Jakarta. The resear