Jelajahi Repository

research : Siti Rahmawati

Adanya wabah COVID-19 sangat berdampak negatif pada kehidupan dunia saat ini, mulai dari segi sosial,ekonomi,pendidikan, dan lainnya. Saat ini setidak

research : Widiyanti, Wiwik Dan Julia Retnowulan;

Loyalitas pengunjung merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam kelangsungan suatu bisnis wisata, dan dapat terjadi jika pengunjung mendapatkan pengalaman

research : Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga Aditya; Rahayuningsih, Retno; Rosalinah, Yanti; Subroto, Ibnu; Wibowo, Ary Iswanto; Nelfianti, Fera;

research : Murifal, Badar; Suhartono,;

The use of historical value (acquisition price) makes the asset value lose its relevance because it does not reflect the current value so it needs to

research : Lahat, Mohammad Amas;

Job stress is a feeling of distress experienced by employees in carrying out various activities withinthe organization, thus affecting the mental and

research : Suardhita, Nyoman;

This research was conducted to determine the effect of Brand Image on the Decision of Purchasing Wardah Brand Powder Products. The method used in this

research : Nelfianti, Fera; Givan, Bryan; Agustina, Teni; Astrilyana,; Yuniasih, Idah; Susanti, Inggit Dessy; Andriani, Ria; Afni, Nurul; Rosalinah, Yanti; Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga Aditya;