Silvia Arianti (31140153), Illocutionary Act of Dialogue in Ouija Movie Directed by Stiles WhiteIn the matter of the importance of knowing the real me
Titi Apriliani (31140092), Culture Shock in The Ramen Girl Movie directed by Robert Allan AckermanThis paper is arranged to observe the role of charac
Liana Husni (11135732), Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Apartemen Secara Online pada Apartemen
Suci Qur’ani (31140017), Personality Disorder of Amy in Gone Girl Movie Directed by David FincherThe objective of this research was to find out abou
Perkembangan teknologi informasi di dunia di dunia melaju dengan cepat. Dimana perkembangan dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian besar perusahaan di dunia
Nurul Aulia Dewi (31140170), The Conspiracy in The Great Wall Movie Directed by Zhang Yimou.The objective of this research is to know about the conspi
Suatu sistem informasi yang menunjang dan memberikan pelayanan yang baik bagi para konsumen.Untuk itu dibutalah tugas akhirmengenai sistem penju
Hendrafi (11135715), Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rekruitmen Karyawan Baru Berbasis Web Pada PT. Maju Aneka Sarana Jakarta.