Jelajahi Repository

research : Susilowati,;

From a communication or public relations perspective, campaign design is an important component of public relations activities. An official engaged i

research : Nurlelah, Elah; Utami, Dwi Yuni; Abdilah, Ari;

SMK Bina Mandiri Sukabumi merupakan instansi yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan. Pengolahan data kehadiran dan data nilai siswa di sekolah ini

research : Yasin, Achmad;

This study aims to find out the socio-cultural setting of the novel Pulang by Tere Liye. This research is library research so that it is not bound b

research : Indrayuni, Elly; Nurhadi, Acmad;

Online reviews have the potential to provide buyers with insights about products such as quality, performance and recommendations. Website is one of

research : Anisti,;

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui simbol sosial, budaya dan ideologi yang terkandung dalam film Apa Itu Islam. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitat

research : Purwati, Nani; Dwitama, Fitra, Nois; Kiswati, Sri;

In the current era of globalization, the growth of environmental waste is increasing. The presence of waste is one of the problems faced by the commun

research : Irnawati, Oky;

- Perkembangan teknologi merubah pengelolaan sistem yang semula dilakukan secara manual menjadi terkomputerisasi. Manfaat dari sistem yang dikelola s