Jelajahi Repository

research : Mulyani_Yani_Sri,; Wibisono, Taufik; Surachman, Mumun; Ratningsih,;

The research object is to know and analysis the influence of Discipline , Giving incentive, and Atmosphere of Work to Non-Civil Servant Teachers Perf

research : Indrawan, Hieronimus Erwin;

Abstract – Promotion is a media used by a company to communicate with the customers. Some types of promotions are advertising in both print and

research : Sutinah, Entin; Agustina, Nani; Asmoro, Randi, Ashar;

Data yang dimiliki suatu hotel merupakan salah satu aset dari suatu hotel tersebut. Dengan adanya kegiatan operasional sehari-hari akan semakin memper

research : Dasrun, Hidayat; Hanny, Hafiar; Anisti,;

Measuring standards for the management of tofu products as culinary tourism can contribute to the branding of the city of Sumedang, Indonesia. With th

research : Syukron, Sazly;

Abstract - Regional Health Insurance (Jamkesda) is a health service assistance guarantee program whose contributions are given by the Provincial Gover

research : Siagian, Ade Onny;

Penelitian karya tulis ini dilatar belakangi perkembangan usaha UMKM sampai saat ini belum optimal karena kekurangan modal usaha, bank BUMN sebagai ag

research : Rusnandi,; Suparni,; Pohan, Achmad Baroqah;

Sales data in 3 different shops (shop, Shop Maker Fernando and Son) at Tohaga Market in the form of PD book transactions are only seen in the absence

research : Adawia, Popon Rabia Dan Puspasari, Aprilia;

This study aims to determine the cost of good manufacturing (COGM) appropriately so that companies can determine competitive selling prices with the