The research object is to know and analysis the influence of Discipline , Giving incentive, and Atmosphere of Work to Non-Civil Servant Teachers Perf
Abstract – Promotion is a media used by a company to communicate with the customers. Some types of promotions are advertising in both print and
Data yang dimiliki suatu hotel merupakan salah satu aset dari suatu hotel tersebut. Dengan adanya kegiatan operasional sehari-hari akan semakin memper
Measuring standards for the management of tofu products as culinary tourism can contribute to the branding of the city of Sumedang, Indonesia. With th
Abstract - Regional Health Insurance (Jamkesda) is a health service assistance guarantee program whose contributions are given by the Provincial Gover
Penelitian karya tulis ini dilatar belakangi perkembangan usaha UMKM sampai saat ini belum optimal karena kekurangan modal usaha, bank BUMN sebagai ag
Sales data in 3 different shops (shop, Shop Maker Fernando and Son) at Tohaga Market in the form of PD book transactions are only seen in the absence
This study aims to determine the cost of good manufacturing (COGM) appropriately so that companies can determine competitive selling prices with the