Jelajahi Repository

research : Setyawan, Andi;

Reality is only a social construction created by humans. Tik Tok is a new reality phenomenon constructed bythe community as a form of self-expression.

research : Erica, Denny; Suryani, Ita; Hoiriah,; Vidada, Irwin Ananta;

PT. Aneka Gas Industri Tbk sebagai salah satu perusahaan  Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), yang terkategori perusahaan besar perlu memperhati

research : Agustiani, Sarifah; Arifin, Yoseph Tajul; Junaidi, Agus; Wildah, Siti Khotimatul; Mustopa, Ali;

Indonesia is an agrarian country, which is a sector that plays an important role most of the Indonesian population makes agriculture the main focus, b

research : Sardiarinto; Sulistyo, Gunawan Budi; Safitri, Lina Ayu; Kiswati, Sri;

research : Rahmawati, Eva; Nuryadi, Nanang; Aserih, Haikal;

Sistem penyewaan lapangan futsal pada 3R Futsal masih bersifat manual.  Pemesan lapangan harus datang  ke 3R Futsal. Selain itu bukti pembayaran mas

research : Dewi Laraswati, Marlina, Indarti

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of employee competence and the work environment on the quality of fire management services

research : Suardhita, Nyoman;

Human Resources (HR) is a unity of energy and an important element that is very influentialfor the Agency / Company. For the achievement of a goal, it

research : Dian, Mohamad Anwar Anwar;

Penelitian  ini membahas tentang pentingnya pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan dalam keluarga. Study ini penting karena dalam pembangunan kemajuan dan