Reality is only a social construction created by humans. Tik Tok is a new reality phenomenon constructed bythe community as a form of self-expression.
PT. Aneka Gas Industri Tbk sebagai salah satu perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), yang terkategori perusahaan besar perlu memperhati
Indonesia is an agrarian country, which is a sector that plays an important role most of the Indonesian population makes agriculture the main focus, b
Sistem penyewaan lapangan futsal pada 3R Futsal masih bersifat manual. Pemesan lapangan harus datang ke 3R Futsal. Selain itu bukti pembayaran mas
The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of employee competence and the work environment on the quality of fire management services
Human Resources (HR) is a unity of energy and an important element that is very influentialfor the Agency / Company. For the achievement of a goal, it
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pentingnya pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan dalam keluarga. Study ini penting karena dalam pembangunan kemajuan dan