Jelajahi Repository

research : Safitri Lia

Writing is considered the most complicated aspect to master in learning English, especially personal pronouns. Personal pronouns are pronouns that are

research : Zistiani, Sylvi

Banyaknya persaingan antara kartu provider yang menawarkan paket internet membuat mahasiswa Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (UBSI) kebingungan dal

research : Ilham

Sejak munculnya pandemi Covid-19, persaingan platform e-commerce semakin sengit, dan akibatnya banyak bisnis e-commerce saat ini menghadapi

research : Insiyah

Trauma is a condition that arises as a result of a scary experience or event, such as natural disasters, physical violence, sexual harassment, etc. Th

research : Anjani Puspita Meliya

Based on field observations and interviews, Budi Jaya Elementary School students experience delays in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Especially in

research : M. fathurrahman Nurul Hakim

research : Shand Shellma Deu

Students need to learn English to broaden their minds, develop skills and improve their quality of life through employment opportunities. Therefore, g