Jelajahi Repository

research : Prasetyo, Arfhan;

This study has the purpose to implement object-first approach to students who have not studied structured programming with structured programming that

research : Sansprayada, Arfan;

Electronic mail or email of the means needed to communicate to support daily activities. This is what is needed in support either personally or pers

research : Yoki, Firmansyah;

Credit Union Duta Usaha Bersama Pontianak merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang simpan pinjam agar dapat melatih diri sendiri dan anggota untuk

research : Mutiah, Septiany, Khoirum; Apriana, Veti;

Abstract – Computers are tools that are created to facilitate human work, Zabidhi Bread Store requires once a system that supports and provide con

research : Iswahyuni, Dwi; Kiswati, Sri;

Writing skill seems to be a difficult skill for many students. Whereas, they are demanded to be able to write at text level. This study investigates h