Jelajahi Repository

research : Hardani

The research’s aim is to analyze the relationship between the leadership and the supervision toward the discipline of the employees in PT Supere

research : Suleman, Dede; Suharyadi, Dedi; Rusiyati, Sri; Sabil; Riftiasari, Dinar; Marwansyah, Sofyan.

This study aims to analyze the relationship between trust and risk of shopping decisions at online retail. This study uses a sampling quota sampling t

research : Puspitasari, Wahyu;

Wahyu Puspitasari (22150402), Hubungan Antara Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Pada PT. Makmur  Inti Lancar Jakarta   Penel

research : Lestari, N.E.P.;

Human resources in a company are the main factors so that the company can remain superior. Managing employees is not only by giving a job description

research : Hastuti, Yuni;

Yuni Hastuti (22150159), Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT Gunung Masindo Makmur Perkasa Jakarta Barat   Perke

research : Suprapti, Dyah Elvira;

Dyah Elvira Suprapti (22150246), Hubungan Masa Kerja dengan Prestasi Kerja Guru SDN Kamal Muara 01, Jakarta Utara   Kualitas sumber daya

research : Lestari, N.E.P.;

Human resource management is very important for companies in managing, managing and utilizing employees so that they can function productively for the

research : Verawati, Ellya;

Abstrak            Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan semakin menjadi perhatian para pengambil ke