Jelajahi Repository

research : Guntoro, Dwi;

ABSTRAKDwi Guntoro ( 12160785 ) , Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Jaket Berbasis WebPada saat ini perkembangan teknologi yang begitu cepa

research : Falendra, Windi;

ABSTRACT Windi Falendra (12162721), Designing Desktop Tickets-Based Cinema Ticketing Program Cinema is a place that presents entertainment

research : Kodir, Saepul;

ABSTRACT Saepul Kodir (12161369), Web-based Music CD Sales Information System Design. Along with the rapid growth of the internet in Indo

research : Sari, Septi Purnama;

ABSTRACT Septi Purnama Sari (12160790), Designing an Information System for Managing Production Data at Web-Based PT. IML Technology In the

research : Putri, Rahma Amina;

ABSTRACT Rahma Amina Putri (12147041), Designing an Online Web-Based Souvenir Sales Information System from Kuningan In Human history, scie

research : NURUL, AMALIA SITI;

pelayanan yang berkualitas atau sering disebut pelayanan prima merupakan pelayanan terbaik yang memenuhi standar kualitas pelayanan, pelayanan prima d

research : Toifah, Iin;

ABSTRACT Iin Toifah (12163772), Design of the Gamis Sales Information System at the Web-Based The business world is currently experiencing

research : Umarullah, Muhammad Asep;

ABSTRAC Muhamad Asep Umarullah (12165178), Design Of Sales Information Systems For Spare Parts And Parts At PT. Web-Based Indonesian Tech Way