Jelajahi Repository

research : Sihombing, Daniel. O; Nugraha, Wahyu; Andani, Farida;

The development of information technology is developing so fast. Computers are tools created to facilitate human work, now made significant progress i

research : Wahyudi, Mochamad; Sasongko, Agung;

Knowledge is the understanding of the human mind are obtained on the basis of the experience that has been received and is not visible (tacit). Since

research : Sasongko, Agung; Maulana, Muhammad Sony;

Upaya meningkatkan pelayanan pada sebuah institusi perguruan tinggi dalam memberikan informasi akademik ke seluruh sivitas akademik harus dilakukan pa

research : Sasongko, Agung;

This paper study e-dossier information system for data collection of archive holders of pension insurance policy of PT. ASABRI in digital media. The p

research : Nugraha, Wahyu;

Three way to simplify boolean function are algebra based on law or algebra boolean method, Karnaugh Map method and the method of tabulation of Quine-M

research : Sasongko, Agung;

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai rancangan sistem informasi geografis untuk memudahkan pembacaan hasil Pendataan Program Perlindungan Sosial  (PPLS)

research : Sasongko, Agung;

This paper study data integration website for Android using extracting data from the source HTML code. Bina Sarana Informatika is o

research : Sasongko, Agung;

 This paper focused on improve results accuracy Alphabet text transliteration into Arabic text in Indonesian Malay. Alphabet text transliteration int