Jelajahi Repository

research : Rakhmanita, Ani;

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan model pembelajaran kuantum dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar akuntansi mahasiswa AMIK

research : Nurchoir, Irfan;


research : Sediawan, Ricky;

dasdas dsafsjf fdsfdjkfh kfdjfhds fjdkfjdskf jkjhhd ertre. ttryrt thttr yjyuku dscds . gdfg fgdfg fgfdgd lkjojkojgr. ghjghghjgfdhf, hfghgfhfghghfgh.

research : Rifai, Bakhtiar;

The acceleration of the use of the internet and the need for the allocation of bandwidth needed, a method that is used for the management of internet

research : Susanto, Imam Dody; Rifai, Bakhtiar; Kuswanto, Herman.;

An expert system is one of the branches of artificial intelligence technology that combines the knowledge of an expert with data searches to sol

research : Rifai, Bakhtiar;

Heart disease is the occurrence of partial or total blockage of a blood vessel over, as a result of the self blockage deep chemical energy supply to t

research : Adiwisastra, Miftah Farid; Basjaruddin, Noor Cholis;

Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) adalah suatu program aplikasi interaktif  yang menerapkan metode dalam kecerdasan buatan  yang dapat digunakan se