Jelajahi Repository

research : Pratiwi, Noni Septia;

Noni Septia Pratiwi (21120154), Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama DepokPenilaian kinerja adalah cara untuk me

research : Utari, Nurul;

Nurul Utari (31130302), Psychoanalytical Study on the Characteristic of India’s Behavior in Stoker Movie Directed by Chan-Wook ParkThe purpose of th

research : Sulistio, Adi Putra;

Adi Putra Sulistio (31130281), Power of Damien Collier in Brick Mansions Movie Directed by Camille DellamareA power is a thing which related with soci

research : Bayyanullaah, Bilal Albar;

Bilal Albar Bayyanullaah (31130124), An Analysis of Meaning on Memes: AStudy of Implicature And Sign SystemPertaining to the phenomenon of meme, the w

research : Munandar, Sinta Bela;

Sinta Bela Munandar (31130137) Psycho Analysis of Main Character BlackSwan Movie Directed by Darren Aronofsky.Movie as a set of motion pictures is not

research : Panggabean, Verunika Sastri;

Verunika Sastri Panggabean (31130243), Suffixes in Article the “Jakarta Post”Newspaper.The purpose of this analysis is to know the form of the suf