Perkembangan Teknologi Semakin Maju, secara garis besarnya RSBK bagian integral dari suatu organisasi sosial dan kesehatan. Rumah sakit merupakan s
PARTINI (31140123), Radical Feminism of the Main Character in the movie Resident Evil Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson Movie is a media to
Perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi dan komuniasi saat ini sangat pesat, sehingga telah mendorong kemajuan di berbagai bidang. Adapun ha
Endah Kurniyati (31140063), Affixes in Sam Smith’s Song Lyric I’m Not The Only One The purpose of this study is to analyze the affixes in S
Sandy Putra Oktapianus Siregar (31140242), Elaborating Types of Figurative Language Contained in Green Day’s Songs. Literature is a
KESTY HASTIA ASIH (31130193), Teaching Present Continuous Tense by Using PowerPoint Media (A Field Research at SDN Tegal Alur 01 Pagi Jakarta Ba
Nurul Farida (31140126), Motivation of the Main Character in Movie Joy Directed by David O. Russell The purpose of this movie analysis