Jelajahi Repository

research : Rohiman, Aan;

Perkembangan Teknologi Semakin Maju, secara garis besarnya RSBK bagian integral dari suatu organisasi sosial dan kesehatan. Rumah sakit merupakan s

research : PARTINI,;

PARTINI (31140123), Radical Feminism of the Main Character in the movie Resident Evil Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson   Movie is a media to

research : SUSILAWATI, DESI;

Perkembangan dunia teknologi  informasi dan komuniasi saat ini sangat pesat, sehingga telah mendorong kemajuan di berbagai bidang. Adapun ha

research : KURNIYATI, ENDAH;

Endah Kurniyati (31140063), Affixes in Sam Smith’s Song Lyric I’m Not The Only One The purpose of this study is to analyze the affixes in S


Sandy Putra Oktapianus Siregar (31140242), Elaborating Types of Figurative Language Contained in Green Day’s Songs.   Literature is a

research : ASIH, KESTY HASTIA;

KESTY HASTIA ASIH (31130193), Teaching Present Continuous Tense by Using PowerPoint Media (A Field Research at SDN Tegal Alur 01 Pagi Jakarta Ba

research : FARIDA, NURUL;

Nurul Farida (31140126), Motivation of the Main Character in Movie Joy Directed by David O. Russell   The purpose of this movie analysis