Proses pembelajaran di era perkembangan teknologi saat ini memungkinkan ketidakhadirannya guru didalam kelas, siswa dapat belajar dimana saja dan kapa
Acceptance of elementary school students, first level, level of preventive and tertiary levels areconducted annually. In conducting the registration,
Self-service is an alternative place to shop. a special place that can meet the daily shopping needs of consumers. Product Ordering for customers rema
Nowadays, vehicle rental has become a common function for companies that have busy operational activities. Every company in carrying out operational
Perkembangan teknologi kian hari meningkat seiring berkembangnya era modernisasi. Berkembangnya teknologi membawa dampak positif maupun negatif bagi
Abstract - The development of technology and information is expanded very rapid. Media in presenting suggestions and critiques in the school is needed