Jelajahi Repository

research : Wati, Risa;

Social media is the most effective way to facilitate fast information, unfortunately there are some elements who use social media to add hoax or

research : Nurhadi, Acmad; Indrayuni, Elly;

Manusia akan mengalami suatu peristiwa penting di dalam kehidupan. Salah satu dari peristiwa penting adalah kelahiran. Akta kelahiran merupakan bukt

research : Rusdiansyah,; Rasyid, Harun Al; Sosrowidigdo, Suryanto;

This study aims to determine the internal and external conditions faced by the Samo Samo Recycle House, as a basis for determining the appropriate alt

research : Hartanti, Hartanti; Pujiwidodo, Dwiyatmoko; Sianturi, Devi Nikita Angel;

Pajak Pertambahan nilai muncul karena adanya faktor-faktor produksi disetiap jalur produksi dalam menyiapkan, menghasilkan, menyalurkan dan memperdaga

research : Solecha, Kusmayanti;

Memasuki era revolusi industry 4.0 teknologi berkembang sangat pesat, teknologi sistem informasi di bidang kesehatan adalah e-health sebagai teknolo

research : Murifal, Badar; Suhartono,;

The use of historical value (acquisition price) makes the asset value lose its relevance because it does not reflect the current value so it needs to

research : QONAAH, SITI;

World Environment Day (WED) is the largest environmental preservation campaign in the world and commemorated on June 5, 2018, with the theme "Defeatin