Social media is the most effective way to facilitate fast information, unfortunately there are some elements who use social media to add hoax or
Manusia akan mengalami suatu peristiwa penting di dalam kehidupan. Salah satu dari peristiwa penting adalah kelahiran. Akta kelahiran merupakan bukt
This study aims to determine the internal and external conditions faced by the Samo Samo Recycle House, as a basis for determining the appropriate alt
Pajak Pertambahan nilai muncul karena adanya faktor-faktor produksi disetiap jalur produksi dalam menyiapkan, menghasilkan, menyalurkan dan memperdaga
Memasuki era revolusi industry 4.0 teknologi berkembang sangat pesat, teknologi sistem informasi di bidang kesehatan adalah e-health sebagai teknolo
The use of historical value (acquisition price) makes the asset value lose its relevance because it does not reflect the current value so it needs to
World Environment Day (WED) is the largest environmental preservation campaign in the world and commemorated on June 5, 2018, with the theme "Defeatin