Jelajahi Repository

research : Nurajizah,; SIti,;

The building is a place to hold an event with a large number of visitors. The use of the building in holding an event makes it easier for event orga

research : Saryoko, Andi; Muttaqin, Sholihin; Hidayat, Rahmat;

Education is very important given the Government programs which require a minimum of 9 years of education, but many societies among medium size down u

research : Sikumbang, Erma Delima;

Through the sales shoes activity every day, the data of the sales will be increase. The data was not only function as an archive for the company, data

research : Adawia, Popon Rabia Dan Manggabarano S, Alfatih;

This Study aimed to analyze and prove the influence of fundamental factors (NPL and LDR) on stock returns Banks listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchang

research : Agustina, Teni; Rachmawati, Susan; Wahyuhening, Firstianty

Laporan keuangan yang baik dapat memberikan informasi yang berkualitas, sehingga dibutuhkan sistem akuntansi untuk menjamin keamanan dan pelaporan yan

research : Alawiyah, Tuti;

Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS) merupakan salah satu program pemerintah dalam percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Presi


One of the activities of Public Relations is to perfom a communication function in deveoping institutional communication with the public to realize g