ABSTRAK Andre Firmansyah (42180708), Afrizal Rizki Fadhilla (42180207), Bayu Lukmana (42180183), Kresno Luluwita Rochma Tasya (42180624), Mei
ABSTRAK Indah Puja Sari (4180789), Prima Arga Sakti (42180866), Esti Maulani Ilahi (42180468), Adam Naufal (42180529), Ahmad Mujianto (421806
ABSTRAKSI Putri Vera Intan (42170311), Ananda Rosita (42180517), Dwi Balqis (4218013), Muhammad Rezal (42180019), Rafi Ahadid (42180326)”RE
Achmad Taufik (31120282), Disorder of Pat Solatano Jr. in Silver Linings Playbook Movie Directed By David O’ Russell Human experiences keep buildi
The background of this research is to know the effectiveness of using QR codes for E-ticket payments in the ticket booking system in the transportatio
ABSTRAK Muhammad Natsir (17130059), GIS Visualisasi Lokasi Gempa Bumi di Indonesia Menggunakan p5.js Perkembangan