Jelajahi Repository

research : Maria,Vivi

Logika fuzzy dapat digunakan dalam melakukan penilaian kebersihan sekolah. Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) Model Mamdani merupakan sistem penalaran

research : Wahyutama Fitri Hidayat

research : ButarButar, Belsana

In the future development of data processing will be increased in line with the development of increasingly complex enterprise. Many Enterprise f

research : Imron

Teknologi informasi sat ini menjadi salah satu infrastuktur yang tidak boleh luput dari perhatian apalagi pada era digital saat ini. Perangkat keras,

research : Dewi, Nurul Aulia;

Nurul Aulia Dewi (31140170), The Conspiracy in The Great Wall Movie Directed by Zhang Yimou.The objective of this research is to know about the conspi

research : Aufa, Muhammad Faqih;

Muhammad Faqih Aufa (12153889), The Design Of Application Program System Of Registration Information For New Students On Web-Based Private School.In t