Jelajahi Repository

research : Akmaludin,; Hartati, Tri; Purwanto, Heru; Sukendar, Toni; Latifah, Fitri; Septiana, Laila;

The quality of data processing in information systems in the 4.0 industrial era is expected to be in the form of paperless-based digitalization, thus

research : Indarti,; Indriyani, Novianti; Setya, Budi Budi; Laraswati, Dewi; Yusnaeni, Wina; Hidayat, Arief;

Pear is a kind of fruits which has a lot of varieties. One of the way to difier pear varieties is by looking at the color, size and shape. This resear

research : Handayani, Popon; Utami, Sri; Septiani, Wisti Dwi; Darwati, Ida; Erawati, Wati; Ramdani, Panji Madya; Suparni, Endang; Putra, Octa Pratama; Sunge, Aswan Supriyadi;

Nowadays, information technology has altered the people's life in many aspects. Simply stated, there are lots of benefits of buying things online. T

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin; Badrul, Mohammad; Marlinda, Linda; Dalis, Sopiyan; Sidik, Sidik; Santoso, Budi

 The process of promotion required in every company. To perpetrating the promotion of position in company is required of job assessment objectively s

research : Simanungkalit, Jumantho Binsar Hamonangan;

ABSTRACT   Jumantho Binsar Hamonangan Simanungkalit (12140494), The Web-based Sales Report Information System at Sriwijaya Air ,Cargo Div