ABSTRAKElfira Nur Azizah T.L(12172912), Maya Nurjanah(12171428), Mutiarawati(12170297),Proyek Sistem Informasi Pengimplementasian Arsip Elektronik Dok
ABSTRAKFajar Rizqi Nandito (12172235) Indri Herdianti (12171123), Proyek WebsiteSistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Pada Bank Sampah Latanza Cikampek .Pa
Abstract- Accounting software development has become a highgrowth industry. User satisfaction is the most widely measure used to assess information sy
Accounting software development has become a highgrowth industry. User satisfaction is the most widely measure used to assess information system suc
ABSTRAK Silvia Wulandari Putri (11170605), Cut Azna Siti Hajjar Amrensyah (11170591) Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Laporan Pengelua
ABSTRAK Silvia Wulandari Putri (11170605), Cut Azna Siti Hajjar Amrensyah (11170591) Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Laporan Pengelua
Ianatul Hidayah (11161003) dan Ririn Rizqiana (11161664), Rancang BangunSistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan Laptop dan Aksesoris Lapto