Jelajahi Repository

research : Syahidu, Ahmad;

ABSTRAK   Ahmad Syahidu (11161542), Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Pada Terhadap Publikasi Masyarakat  Media online tumbuh dan b

research : Prasetyo, Feri, H;

E-Filing Tax is a reporting system that is managed by the Direktorat Jendral Pajak to facilitate tax payer in tax reporting. Indonesia as the most pop

research : Fatkharrofiqi, Achmad; Kuswanto, Herman; Rahman, Taufik; Sumarna,; Handono, Felix Wuryo; Nurdin, Hafis;

PT. Brainmatics Cipta Informatika adalah sebuah perusahaan IT Training and Consulting yang berlokasi di Jakarta. Perkembangan suatu perusahaan tidak l

research : Rizky, Deny;

 ix ABSTRAK Deny Rizky (12165798), English Course E-Learning System Pada LembagaKursus Bahasa Inggris ELP (ECELS)Pendidikan sangatlah penting bagi

research : Handayani, Popon; Utami, Sri; Putra, Octa Pratama; Septiani, Wisti Dwi;

English as the language has been used widely all around the world. As along with that matter of English of the language, it is related to the Indonesi

research : Popon, Handayani Handayani Handayani Handayani;

English as the language has been used widely all around the world. As along with that matter of English of the language, it is related to the Indonesi

research : Popon, Handayani Handayani Handayani Handayani;

English as the language has been used widely all around the world. As along with that matter of English of the language, it is related to the Indonesi

research : Sari, Angela Bayu Pertama; Iswahyuni, Dwi; Meyliana, Anastasia