Jelajahi Repository

research : Andriani, Anik; Meyliana, Anastasia; Sardiarinto,; Susanto, Susanto; Supriyanta,;

 The accurate analysis of pests and diseases of the chili plants can determine the right solution to reduce the production failure of plants. But t

research : Jayanti, Wanty Eka;

buku ini merupakan buku acuan yang dapat digunakan oleh doen pengampu mata kuliah Character Building maupun oleh mahasiswa yang tengah mengambil mata

research : Suryanto,;

Cooperatives as a form of organization that is important in promoting economic growth . Credit unions be an alternative for people to get funding in a

research : Surniandari, Artika; Rachmi, Hilda; Widiastuti, Lisda;

The effort to reduce poverty, it is hoped that the economic growth of a region can be spread evenly. To equalize the economic level of its citizens, l

research : Widiastuti, Lisda;

The effort to reduce poverty, it is hoped that the economic growth of a region can be spread evenly. To equalize the economic level of its citizens, l

research : Rachmi, Hilda; Surniandari, Artika;

Health is the main thing, especially when an outbreak of virus spreads and worries and the possibility of stress increases. Everyone wants to live hea

research : Regina, Sandra; Sutinah, Entin; Agustina, Nani;

Abstrak−Penilaian kualitas kinerja karyawan merupakan salah satu hal penting dan sangat dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan, namun pada PT Clariant Adsorbent

research : Maryani, Ina; Riana, Dwiza

Abstract—The problem faced by the company is how to determine potential customers and apply CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in order to perfo