Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Pengiriman Barang Berbasis Web Pada Mailshop Plus

  • 04 Jun
  • 2018

Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Pengiriman Barang Berbasis Web Pada Mailshop Plus

The information system in this digital era, it is very beneficial for beginners can attempt to expand their business network. One is through the Internet and the Web as it is a great tool to provide information about their business to all Internet users to easily and quickly. Mailshop Plus membutukan once the existence of a system to facilitate the application of its employees in the data storage on information delivery on Mailshop Plus quickly and accurately. The methodology used is the methodology RUP (Rational Unified Process). In this methodology, the authors made several phases. In modeling the design of the program, the author uses UML (Unified Modeling Language). Modeling results in the form of use case diagrams and activity diagrams. The results of data processing information system development delivery in this web-based stuff can help employees Mailshop Plus in delivery of data collection. As well as the design of web-based application delivery services have achieved an activity that is effective and efficient in supporting the activities of the Mailshop Plus.


  • 1459-1683-1-SM_66-69.pdf

    Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Pengiriman Barang Berbasis Web Pada Mailshop Plus

    •   diunduh 227x | Ukuran 809 KB



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