Analysis of the tourist experience of management of a heritage tourism product: case study of the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

  • 28 Oct
  • 2019

Analysis of the tourist experience of management of a heritage tourism product: case study of the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT The Sultan Palace (Keraton) in Yogyakarta city, Indonesia is the main destination for tourists visiting Yogyakarta because it is an integral part of culture-based tourism in the city. The Yogyakarta Palace preserves various aspects of Javanese cultural heritage, including physical goods and local art. The Sultan Palace has a different management system than other tourism destinations because it is also the official residence of the Sultan, the acting head of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study was conducted by employing a descriptive survey method. The required data were collected using questionnaires distributed to 200 respondents selected by a purposive sampling technique. The study aimed to analyse tourist perception of management variables. Tourist perception was evaluated via index values and calculated using the Three-Box method. The analysis results showed that cultural tourism has a high value (155.62). Meanwhile, tourist perceptions about other variables were included in a moderate category, which is demonstrated by an index value lower than 150. There remains a gap in the cultural tourism management of the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta between tourist demand and the various in cultural tourism activities offered by the tourism management authorities.



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