Comparison of SVM & Naãve Bayes Algorithm for Sentiment Analysis Toward West Java Governor Candidate Period 2018-2023 Based on Public Opinion on Twitter

  • 22 Jul
  • 2019

Comparison of SVM & Naãve Bayes Algorithm for Sentiment Analysis Toward West Java Governor Candidate Period 2018-2023 Based on Public Opinion on Twitter

Opinion is a statement conveyed by a person or
group of people in addressing a problem by providing predictions
or expectations about the event. No guarantee that an opinion
automatically will be true because it is not reinforced by the facts,
it is subjective, and there is a different opinion about an event.
Everyone has different views and same rights to express opinions
or give opinions toward particular event. Public opinion is view
of someone for certain problem comes out due to prior
conversation with another person who may have an effect on the
opinion given. Public opinion comes from a discussion process in
addressing the problem then lead to a conclusion as a joint
decision and a shared opinion. One of the media to convey public
opinion is through social media like twitter. Public opinion about
the election of West Java governor candidate period 2018-2023
on twitter was increasingly widespread. There are several
sentiments emerged for four candidates elected on twitter
accounts such as Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, Tubagus
Hasanuddin-Anton Charliyan, Sudrajat-Ahmad Syaikhu, and
Deddy Mizwar-Dedi Mulyadi. Therefore, it is necessary to
classify the sentiments to the existing opinion so that it can be
predicted in advance which of the governor candidate pair of
West Java who has more positive and predictable sentiments will
be elected as governor period 2018-2023. The data used by the
researchers is tweet in Indonesian Language with keywords
Rindu, Hasanah, Asyik, 2DM with datasets number is 800 tweets.
There are many classification techniques commonly used for
opinion sentiment analysis. This study compares two
classification techniques namely Support Vector Machine
Algorithm (SVM) and Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC). The results
show that the Algorithm of Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) has a
higher accuracy level of Support Vector Machine (SVM), up to
94% for Deddy Mizwar-Dedi Mulyadi.



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    Comparison of SVM & Naãve Bayes Algorithm for Sentiment Analysis Toward West Java Governor Candidate Period 2018-2023 Based on Public Opinion on Twitter

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Accuracy: 75.50.00%, +/- 6.24% (Micro: 89.00%)
Predictions Positive 62 11 84.93%
Predictions Negative 38 89 70.08%
Class Recall 62.00% 89.00%
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
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Period 2018-2023 Accuracy (%) TP Rate
RINDU 74.50 85
HASANAH 63.50 30
ASYIK 72.00 96
2DM 75.50 62
Naïve Bayes
West Java Governor Candidate
Period 2018-2023 Accuracy (%) TP Rate
RINDU 89.00 79
HASANAH 84.50 92
ASYIK 87.00 90
2DM 94.00 90
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