This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The objected was to find out what is the social media is always used and its benefits to the marketing products. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. The population is grade XI and XII students of SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta majoring in marketing. The findings show that the social media that used the most widely for marketing products are Instagram 78%, Youtube 58%, Facebook 31%, Whatsapp 20%, Line 18%, Path 7% and Twitter 2%. Social media has greatly helped students and even the community and entrepreneurs in promoting products. The social media users were provides good benefits in terms of product marketing. The more rapid development of technology even with the presence of social media makes the community, especially entrepreneurs, can reach potential buyers easily
Jurnal Kompetitif Vol.3 No.3 Bulan Juni Tahun 2020
Peer Review Jurnal
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