are important facilities that cannot be separated from the tourism sector. The role of hotel is
not only as a place to stay for tourists, but also as a place to carry out
office and education activities such as meetings, seminars, marketing
presentations, so that the growth of hotel development is increasing.
are important facilities that cannot be separated from the tourism sector. The
role of the hotel is not only a place to stay for tourists, but also as a place
to carry out office and educational activities such as meetings, seminars,
marketing presentations, so that the growth of hotel development is increasing.
Quality of service in the field of hospitality services is one of the
considerations that are often used by guests in choosing hotels. Good service
quality is closely related to the implementation of SOPs as a basis for
carrying out tasks.
qualitative descriptive study begins with the implementation of the Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) for guest services at the Sutomo Hotel Yogyakarta
branch, the quality of guest services at the Yogyakarta Branch Sutomo Hotel,
constraints faced and how to overcome them in providing guest services. Guest
SOP services from predetermined reservations, check-in until guests check out
fully. Quality of service has an impact on the sale of rooms sold. The results
of the data show that during the period January - August 2018 the average
number of rooms sold was 519 rooms / month.
on the results of the SWOT analysis with IFAS and EFAS matrices obtained
strength values (Streghts) - Weaknesses (weakness) = 2.24 -1.43 = 0.81 and
opportunity values (Opportunity) - Threats (Treaths) = 2.21 - 0.99 = 1, 22.
Thus Cabin Sutomo Hotel has a Quadrant I position so the strategy that needs to
be done to increase the number of hotel guests is an aggressive strategy. This
is a situation that benefits Cabin Sutomo Hotel because it has the power and
opportunity, so that it can make the most of the opportunities available and
support aggressive improvement policies. In the SWOT matrix, it was found that
the right strategy was the S-O strategy, namely by increasing friendly and fast
service and continuing to innovate hotel products, this was supported by the
increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists, so that they were potential
guests at Cabin Sutomo hotel.
Guest service quality, SOP, SWOT
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