Jelajahi Repository

research : Siti Nurjamilah

Siti Nurjamilah (12200546), Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan Pada Kantor Kecamatan Bogor Timur   Sistem Penggajian Manual Kanto

research : ENRIECO, EDWARD

ABSTRACT This visual communication research aims to reveal the logic of message design in the meaning of a full-body-shot portrait photo by photograp

research : ENRIECO, EDWARD

Abstrak Fotografer Ully Zoelkarnain sebagai pekerja seni kreatif murni dan seni komersial, berpijak pada dua tarikan keadaan. Dengan masalah dua tari

research : ENRIECO, EDWARD

Abstract Journalistic photography is one of the categories in the art of photography. The expertise to produce journalistic photographic works is a