Jelajahi Repository

research : Jimmi,;

Nowadays, the invention of technology especially mobile phone leads society beyond transformation of technology and its devices. The transformation

research : Kristania, Dkk;

Abstrak - Website tidak hanya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media penyebaran informasi, tetapi juga sebagai media untuk mengolah data akademik. Dengan ad

research : Wibowo, Agung; Rahayu, Yuri; Riyanto, Andi; Hidayatulloh, Taufik;

Abstract:Indonesia has 13% species of mushroom in the world but there is a very limited study on determining edible or poisonous mushroom. Classificat

research : Frieyadie

The problem faced by marketing officer, in a conventional system in which the data collection order for the goods still using paper media carbones qua

research : Frieyadie

Daily activities PO Bus today still use the conventional system in booking tickets, the passengers came agencies penjulan bus ticket and booked a tick

research : Ryansyah, Muhamad;

Dengan semakin  pesatnya  perkembangan  aplikasi  jaringan  yang membutuhkan kecepatan yang tinggi didalam aliran informasi d

research : Sa'diyah, Noor Novita A A A;

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world, one of the best ways to reduce the death rate is by detect the symptoms in the early stages.

research : Supriyanta, Noor Hasan;

Setiap hari manusia selalu melakukan transaksi, setiap transaksi selalu melibatkan data yang ada dan akan menambah data baru. Tumpukan data yang banya