Analysis of Management Model Using Structural Equation Modeling at Taman Pintar, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

  • 29 Oct
  • 2019

Analysis of Management Model Using Structural Equation Modeling at Taman Pintar, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The concept of educational tourism developed as a consequence of the saturation of applying learning methods in a rigid and formal room. Yogyakarta as a student and cultural city has several educational tourism objects, one of which is the Taman Pintar or Smart Park. Taman Pintar Yogyakarta as the most comprehensive science centre in Southeast Asia offers various educational tourism program packages. The objective of this study is to analyze Taman Pintar management model by conducting a survey of 200 visitors with data analyzed by SEM- PLS method. Based on data analysis, the results show that tourist demand affect products availability significantly, but did not affect management performance and variation of tourism activities. Meanwhile, management performance did not directly affect the level of tourist experience but through variation of tourism activities. In terms of product availability, almost all products have been available, unless tourism attractions related to learning a new language. 




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