Perancangan Alat Penghitung Barang Melalui Mesin Konveyor Dengan Menggunakan Sistem PLC CPM 1A

  • 11 Apr
  • 2018

Perancangan Alat Penghitung Barang Melalui Mesin Konveyor Dengan Menggunakan Sistem PLC CPM 1A

The research was motivated by an engine control system that uses an automatic control system instead of conventional control systems or use the magnet switch (Magnetic Controller). Most of the industrial control system using a compact, easy to use, easy to modify its work and has a magnetic switch keistemewaan compared with conventional control. From the current analysis found that most of the industries that implement control systems using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as a means of control of production work. The purpose of this study was to design and build a miniature of a transfer machine using PLC-based control system that can be used as a working simulation of the transfer of goods in an industry.


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