Strategi Destination Branding Event Budaya Pemerintah Kota Bandung Sebagai Magnet Pariwisata

  • 08 Apr
  • 2020

Strategi Destination Branding Event Budaya Pemerintah Kota Bandung Sebagai Magnet Pariwisata

Bandung  is    known  as  a  tourist  destination  because  it  has  a  lot  of  potential  that  supports  the
tourism   sector.   Of   uniqueness   their   cu
lture,   culinary,   location   shopping   interesting,   city
environment  share,  until  a  panorama  its  natural  a  stunning.  In  improving  the  number  of  visits
local tourists and foreign tourists, the city government bandung do strategy destination branding
carried  out
to  educate  potential  wisatanya  to  be  more  known  through  slogan  “stunning
bandung” which was launched in 2016. The method used for this research is the case study
method  is  a  research  method  that  uses  a  variety  of  data  sources  that  can  be  used  to  examine,
comprehensive   describe   and   explain   the   various   aspects   of   individual,   group,   program,
organization or event systematical. Conclusions shows that
strategy destination branding needs
to  be  done  to  educate  tourism  potential  bandung  city  to  be  more  known  by  lo
cal  and
international  tourists  ,  and  is  expected  to  strategy  branding  destinations  this  can  serve  as  a
magnet tourism and make bandung city as a tourist destination primadonna in Indonesia .
Bandung  is    known  as  a  tourist  destination  because  it  has  a  lot  of  potential  that  supports  the
tourism   sector.   Of   uniqueness   their   cu
lture,   culinary,   location   shopping   interesting,   city
environment  share,  until  a  panorama  its  natural  a  stunning.  In  improving  the  number  of  visits
local tourists and foreign tourists, the city government bandung do strategy destination branding
carried  out
to  educate  potential  wisatanya  to  be  more  known  through  slogan  “stunning
bandung” which was launched in 2016. The method used for this research is the case study
method  is  a  research  method  that  uses  a  variety  of  data  sources  that  can  be  used  to  examine,
comprehensive   describe   and   explain   the   various   aspects   of   individual,   group,   program,
organization or event systematical. Conclusions shows that
strategy destination branding needs
to  be  done  to  educate  tourism  potential  bandung  city  to  be  more  known  by  lo
cal  and
international  tourists  ,  and  is  expected  to  strategy  branding  destinations  this  can  serve  as  a
magnet tourism and make bandung city as a tourist destination primadonna in Indonesia .

Bandung is known as a tourist destination because it has a lot of potential that supports the tourism sector. Of uniqueness their culture, culinary, location shopping interesting, city environment share, until a panorama its natural a stunning. In improving the number of visits local tourists and foreign tourists, the city government bandung do strategy destination branding carried out to educate potential wisatanya to be more known through slogan “stunning bandung” which was launched in 2016. The method used for this research is the case study method is a research method that uses a variety of data sources that can be used to examine, comprehensive describe and explain the various aspects of individual, group, program, organization or event systematical. Conclusions shows that strategy destination branding needs to be done to educate tourism potential bandung city to be more known by local and international tourists , and is expected to strategy branding destinations this can serve as a magnet tourism and make bandung city as a tourist destination primadonna in Indonesia .




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