Strategi Manajemen Krisis Public Relations PT Blue Bird Tbk

  • 08 Apr
  • 2020

Strategi Manajemen Krisis Public Relations PT Blue Bird Tbk

One of the activities of Public Relations is to perfom a communication function in developing institutional communication with the public to realize goodwill and mutual understanding. In a crisis situation, Public Relations plays a vital role. The profession demands the ability to design, to protect, and to maintain the company's reputation in the public challenge. Blue Bird's commitment to change is one of the strategies of management crisis known as the "reimagining Blue Bird" program. This program voiced through the "Blue Bird Changing To Change" campaign ad on YouTube. The purpose of this study is to know the strategies of Crisis Management of the Public Relations PT Blue Bird Group (Case Study at PT Blue Bird Group Post Demonstration Riot & Anarchist, March 22, 2016). The method used in this research is a case study method. It uses various data sources that can be used to research, describe and explain comprehensively the various aspects of individuals, groups, programs, organizations or events systematically. The conclusion shows that the Blue Bird
"reimagining" campaign program voiced through the "Blue Bird Changing To Change"
campaign ad on YouTube has attracted attention and gained sympathy from the public, which in turn can build positive public opinion and impact on Blue Bird's reputation.




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Jurnal :
Purwaningwulan. Melly. Maulin, Jurnal
Majalah Ilmiah Unikom
, Fakultas
Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Universitas Ilmu Komputer,
Bandung, Volume 11 No. 2, Tahun

Sumber lain: (di
akses tanggal 24 Februari 2017)
/demo-jeda-supir-taksi-vs-pengemudigojek-hampir-rusuh(di akses tanggal 20
Februari 2017)
22272-2x.jpg(di akses tanggal 20 Februari
qtUTySKU(di akses tanggal 25 Februari
Majalah SWA No. 24/XXIVI 13-23
November 2008.